
I feel like my company has started to exclude me from things that, as a manager, I should be apart of.

Now, I’ll start this off by saying I’m not the perfect employee. I definitely slack sometimes and have occasionally dropped the ball on some small things. Nothing crazy, but I’m also not the stellar balls out suck up employee. With that being said, I am an AVP for a large firm in a large metro area. I would say we are top 3 in the industry. I am in my mid twenties and I hold a management position most people my age would kill for. When I took this job, I had literally the best boss anyone could ask for. She took me under her wing, mentored me, and was guiding me to become a manager of my own branch someday. Well, she left us earlier this year because the work load was mentally and physically too much for her to bear. Since then, our President has taken over the…

Now, I’ll start this off by saying I’m not the perfect employee. I definitely slack sometimes and have occasionally dropped the ball on some small things. Nothing crazy, but I’m also not the stellar balls out suck up employee.

With that being said, I am an AVP for a large firm in a large metro area. I would say we are top 3 in the industry. I am in my mid twenties and I hold a management position most people my age would kill for.

When I took this job, I had literally the best boss anyone could ask for. She took me under her wing, mentored me, and was guiding me to become a manager of my own branch someday. Well, she left us earlier this year because the work load was mentally and physically too much for her to bear. Since then, our President has taken over the sales staff. At first, we had 4 managers running 5 offices. 2 of which are large. Our president was relatively chill, due to what I assume was fear of losing another manager. However, another manager quit and found a better paying less stressful job. Now it’s just three of us, me being the only “assistant” manager.(Although with my old boss, even though my title was AVP, she treated me like a true manager and directed others to treat me as such as well)

We have had a lot of job consolidation, and I sometimes talk about my frustrations with two specific employees.

After a couple months of the last manager leaving, I have began to be relegated to what I call “bitch work” more than what the typical manager has on their plate. I feel like I am no longer getting to do -A) what I enjoy & B) what was promised when I took the job under my original boss which was growth and training as an employee.

Since then, it has gotten to the point where they don’t include me in some meeting. Before, I was included in the quarterly executive meetings and was also included in a bunch of managerial meetings. As of recent, there have been multiple events, including today’s surprise executive meeting with the managers, that I have been left out of.

I am wondering if I am about to be fired(I understand you all don’t have crystal balls but I want your opinion) ,if they are unhappy with my work , or if they just do not see me how my last manager saw me.

I am strongly considering , if it is the third option, taking the bitch work because it’s super easy and just relaxing on company time or outright finding a new job.

This really sucks because I was super pumped for this position.

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