
Terminated after walkout

Well ladies and gentlemen it happened. Myself along with six other employees finally reached a boiling point and confronted our manager about the low pay, hour cuts, temporary shutdowns without warning (but only for our department) amongst other issue. It was a shitshow and things got heated. Nobody got physical, but there was alot of screaming from both the workers and manager. Could it have been handled better? Yes. However, as I've always said, you can only push someone so far before they snap. We decided to all walk out since our manager refused to call H.R. and refused to sit down in a meeting with us to resolve things. Each of us just received a call from the director of H.R. who told us, and I quote, “it's my job to fire people” then proceeded to terminate us. Does it suck that this is happening at a shitty time…

Well ladies and gentlemen it happened. Myself along with six other employees finally reached a boiling point and confronted our manager about the low pay, hour cuts, temporary shutdowns without warning (but only for our department) amongst other issue. It was a shitshow and things got heated. Nobody got physical, but there was alot of screaming from both the workers and manager. Could it have been handled better? Yes. However, as I've always said, you can only push someone so far before they snap. We decided to all walk out since our manager refused to call H.R. and refused to sit down in a meeting with us to resolve things. Each of us just received a call from the director of H.R. who told us, and I quote, “it's my job to fire people” then proceeded to terminate us. Does it suck that this is happening at a shitty time of the year? Yes, but leaving that toxic work environment feels so freeing. I'm currently in the process of going to the local union hall and have been accepted to take classes there until there is an opening for an apprenticeship. I'm oddly happy. Don't let places bully you, mental health is important. Once a job takes a toll on you to where it affects your home/family life, it's time to go.

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