
Company told me I will be let go after Xmas.

This is a rant but also to get some opinions on what I should do next. ​ So basically I worked my ass off for the past 10 years to build up my resume and experience in getting a job at a top 4 company in this industry that I wanted to be in at the start. I finally got hired in Jan 2022 at my ''dream job'' and everything seemed to be going well, hoping to be promoted and climb up the corporate ladder for the next 10-15 years. Fast forward to August 2023, the client I am working for is discontinuing services at the end of the year and thus I am no longer needed. My colleagues and my manager abruptly quit after hearing this news, leaving me to do double the amount of work (for me and my manager who left), without any pay raise or promotion…

This is a rant but also to get some opinions on what I should do next.

So basically I worked my ass off for the past 10 years to build up my resume and experience in getting a job at a top 4 company in this industry that I wanted to be in at the start. I finally got hired in Jan 2022 at my ''dream job'' and everything seemed to be going well, hoping to be promoted and climb up the corporate ladder for the next 10-15 years. Fast forward to August 2023, the client I am working for is discontinuing services at the end of the year and thus I am no longer needed. My colleagues and my manager abruptly quit after hearing this news, leaving me to do double the amount of work (for me and my manager who left), without any pay raise or promotion to become the new manager. I had hoped that after all of this, I would be placed somewhere else under my company, eagerly showing to my bosses that I did not quit but in fact stepped up when everyone else checked out or left. Now I am told that if there are no openings or jobs to place me after December, I will be let go. Hearing from my colleagues who already left or applied to other jobs, they are telling me there won't be any openings to place me somewhere else. Now I am devastated. I feel like I am back to square one, potentially being unemployed in a month, after working so hard to get here. Now I am borderline just quiet quitting and applying to jobs at this point. There are no incentives to work hard when I'm not getting a raise, promotion or indication I will be retained by my current employer. So why do I have to work my ass off for doing double the work, knowing I will be let go anyways? I am currently applying for jobs and hope to get something before I am let go. But I could also just walk away and quit today if I wanted to, but the slight chance my company places me somewhere else after this, makes me not want to burn any bridges.

I also proposed to my gf in early 2023 thinking I have my career sort of set. I wished to get a house and start a family. Now I seriously have to consider cancelling the wedding as I won't have money to pay for the wedding if I am unemployed.

What is more pathetic is I see job openings from my company for lesser roles with a salary 20-25k more than what they are paying me. So fuck them. Should I just walk away or stick around?

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