
After working 32 hours a week for a year now

I can safely say my American bros, you are being screwed royally. I work 4 days a week and 3 days off, I make about 85% of my 5 days a week salary. Never been happier honestly, i work monday tuesday, and then Wednesday no work. Getting to work on monday and realizing that in 2 days I will have a day off again makes me go to work with a smile on my face. Using that day off to either (kite)surf, boulder, snowboard or spend time with my little niece in the afternoon. Then when I get to work on Thursday I smile again because only tommorow left and then weekend. On saturdays I do my household chores and then Sunday completely off again without any responsibilities. It has been an utter godsend and such a psychological boost for someone already struggling with their mental health. Fight the system,…

I can safely say my American bros, you are being screwed royally. I work 4 days a week and 3 days off, I make about 85% of my 5 days a week salary. Never been happier honestly, i work monday tuesday, and then Wednesday no work. Getting to work on monday and realizing that in 2 days I will have a day off again makes me go to work with a smile on my face. Using that day off to either (kite)surf, boulder, snowboard or spend time with my little niece in the afternoon.

Then when I get to work on Thursday I smile again because only tommorow left and then weekend. On saturdays I do my household chores and then Sunday completely off again without any responsibilities. It has been an utter godsend and such a psychological boost for someone already struggling with their mental health.
Fight the system, dont give up. The archaic way of atleast 40 hours a week, while productivity has been tenfolded since the 60s and most households have 2 working people, it aint right. My boss benefits as well, as I am more productive now and enjoy my job more due to better work life balance. This is the way

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