
Labor Can Win WFH!

Capitalist employers demanding return-to-office is a spectacular losing argument. The improved work/life balance of WFH is undeniably beneficial, and an unqualified win for labor! Why do you think your management is SO DETERMINED TO TAKE THIS AWAY FROM YOU?! Spoiler: capitalist imperative is to crush your autonomy as an employee and control your labor to the greatest extent they can force you. Can't say how much overlap exists between Unionized labor and WFH for corporate/professionalized labor, but at-will employees should leverage reasonable accommodation(s) to the fullest extent granted by ADA civil rights. If (diseased) corporate culture disregards your interests and irrationally demands you bend to their will, make the money men and their enablers face you! Because they say so, force them to expend their time, energy, resources to gain your compliance!

Capitalist employers demanding return-to-office is a spectacular losing argument. The improved work/life balance of WFH is undeniably beneficial, and an unqualified win for labor! Why do you think your management is SO DETERMINED TO TAKE THIS AWAY FROM YOU?! Spoiler: capitalist imperative is to crush your autonomy as an employee and control your labor to the greatest extent they can force you.

Can't say how much overlap exists between Unionized labor and WFH for corporate/professionalized labor, but at-will employees should leverage reasonable accommodation(s) to the fullest extent granted by ADA civil rights. If (diseased) corporate culture disregards your interests and irrationally demands you bend to their will, make the money men and their enablers face you! Because they say so, force them to expend their time, energy, resources to gain your compliance!

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