
Stepped in human feces today

Some took a shit in our office and I stepped in it and tracked it around my desk. It’s everywhere. I’ve been on my hands and knees cleaning it and haven’t been able to finish all of my tasks which I know I’ll get yelled at over. Someone also took my lunch so I have no food to eat with my meds. This post has nothing to it other than me ranting, I’m so tired. Had to clean blood off a window last week too because someone smeared it all over.

Some took a shit in our office and I stepped in it and tracked it around my desk. It’s everywhere. I’ve been on my hands and knees cleaning it and haven’t been able to finish all of my tasks which I know I’ll get yelled at over.

Someone also took my lunch so I have no food to eat with my meds. This post has nothing to it other than me ranting, I’m so tired. Had to clean blood off a window last week too because someone smeared it all over.

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