
Aggressively marketing emails and reward cards

I’ve had to do it and had it done to me today. It’s such a small inconvenience but they can’t say no. Went to a store. I was in a lot of pain and I need pads. The cramps were so bad my thighs were hurting. She asked me if I wanted a reward card. I said no. Asked if I was a student. I said yes. Tried to convince me to get it for 10% off. I said no. I’d loose the card or forget to put it on my phone. I only use that store once every blue moon so it would be with nothing. I was just too tired and in pain to think. I think I must have said no at least five times before I just said I wanted to pay. I’ve had to do think at my shop (granted I’ve only asked once or…

I’ve had to do it and had it done to me today. It’s such a small inconvenience but they can’t say no. Went to a store. I was in a lot of pain and I need pads. The cramps were so bad my thighs were hurting. She asked me if I wanted a reward card. I said no. Asked if I was a student. I said yes. Tried to convince me to get it for 10% off. I said no. I’d loose the card or forget to put it on my phone. I only use that store once every blue moon so it would be with nothing. I was just too tired and in pain to think. I think I must have said no at least five times before I just said I wanted to pay.

I’ve had to do think at my shop (granted I’ve only asked once or twice at max). It always really confuse older people which my store mainly was. It’s a way to get their emails to market to them like less than a quarter will actually order anything. Not to mention I confused the hell out of the old people who don’t understand what an emailed receipt is. Saving the planet my ass when I bet half of their clothes aren’t ethically sourced.

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