
My colleague got the salary I’ve asked for but was denied. Aka – director BFF

Hope you are all well lovelies. Long story short – my colleague, one position under me, was hired by my Director ( insecure leader who needs to put incapables manager on the top so they bow down to anything – Nepotism as it’s best – all seniors are her friend ) Issues with performance that probably 8 managers complaint about, in which 2 left because of him. Despite my complaint to my senior, only chat occurred with no changes. Told my manager team to stop complaining about hun as it’s pointless and to get along with it as after the last complaint, my director, senior manager and him came to dine where I work in a birthday celebration – what a joke. We all laughed and moved on. I gave my notice as this place is toxic as hell – anyway. I asked early this year hence my work and…

Hope you are all well lovelies.

Long story short – my colleague, one position under me, was hired by my Director ( insecure leader who needs to put incapables manager on the top so they bow down to anything – Nepotism as it’s best – all seniors are her friend )

Issues with performance that probably 8 managers complaint about, in which 2 left because of him.
Despite my complaint to my senior, only chat occurred with no changes.

Told my manager team to stop complaining about hun as it’s pointless and to get along with it as after the last complaint, my director, senior manager and him came to dine where I work in a birthday celebration – what a joke.

We all laughed and moved on.

I gave my notice as this place is toxic as hell – anyway.
I asked early this year hence my work and performance, to be in the same salary range that my senior was when he had my position ( he was on 65k, I was on 60k – he moved me to 62k. When asking why not 65k, he told me that he had previous GM experience and not me, and that’s discretionary – he’s not very smart, so surely this answer was from his Master – aka Director ) – fair enough.

As I’m leaving, they offered him my position which he took. 🤡 we all laughed at this, my staff included.

It was my off yesterday, and my smart ass boss send over to me his offer letter on WhatsApp.
I opened this document, had no clue of what it was, and salary indicated that he will be on 65k

I was at a dinner and my heart start racing like never before. I’ve asked him by message if that was a joke, and to call me back.

He called me back to ask me something about work and said ok thanks bye.

I was speechless – and I’ve asked «  sooo is it for real? Not a sorry ? Or explanation ? – and he replied, about what !? Yeah it’s not me it’s her decision ( the supreme insecure director that only has male friend ) – I don’t have time for that now. And he hanged up.

I’ve removed myself from all of our group chat, and asked not to be contacted on my day off – as my anxiety went out of the roof and having to cancel my plan now, told him that I won’t be able to come to Ortiz in which he replied sorry you feel this way, salary is discretionary, your expected to work tomorrow and we can have a chat

I did insist I called in sick and asked him for immediate termination of my contract.

Can you believe that those are mean to be «  human beeing »

They do not wish to let me go now ( I have 12 days left)

I can’t control my anxiety now, litterally took some sleeping pills so I don’t feel anything and hopefully tomorrow is a new day.

They’ve managed to put me in a very very dark place and I’m very angry for that. If this feeling is still there tomorrow I’ll have To be back on my anti depressant which I’ve stopped 4 years ago

I’ve reached out to him asking kindly to release me with immediate effect, if not I will ask Hr to assess the matter of my complaint, and will have to be specific with my director friendship – ultimately, 2 men with the same salary, one women got declined this salary – other speaks for itself

Your thought guys 🤡️

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