
Why I left a $54k salary job

I took a 2nd shift supervisor position at a smallish automotive factory. I got paid almost 900 a week. Supervise, fill in on machines when needed. Cool… A new HR came in & things changed. I didn’t have a backup tow motor driver; when mine was out, I was to material handle and load trucks those shifts and supervise. One night, quality left & a girl ran 65 bad parts before it was found out. I got a verbal write up. That’s fine. I understood then that I could’ve checked on her more in depth at her start and let the trucks wait. A month later, a girl on my shift, Spanish speaking high school student who is the only driver/worker for her family, loses $300. ((I understand she shouldn’t have had that large cash easily lost but that’s kinda not relevant)). HR says if someone comes clean they won’t…

I took a 2nd shift supervisor position at a smallish automotive factory. I got paid almost 900 a week. Supervise, fill in on machines when needed. Cool…

A new HR came in & things changed. I didn’t have a backup tow motor driver; when mine was out, I was to material handle and load trucks those shifts and supervise. One night, quality left & a girl ran 65 bad parts before it was found out.

I got a verbal write up. That’s fine. I understood then that I could’ve checked on her more in depth at her start and let the trucks wait.

A month later, a girl on my shift, Spanish speaking high school student who is the only driver/worker for her family, loses $300.
((I understand she shouldn’t have had that large cash easily lost but that’s kinda not relevant)). HR says if someone comes clean they won’t punish, but if they have to camera watch they will. A week goes by and nothing. So the floor people talk, & I get spoke to for not squashing rumors on my shift. I ask HR who it was, im not allowed to know. I’m allowed to know they’re still employed. 🤦
She is to get her money back in installments.
A month goes by and she doesn’t get her money back. She isn’t told who it was, I’m still not told who it is. She quits, turns in a two week on Friday and Monday says it’s immediate. I’m told “she shouldn’t have had that much on her at work and hr got some of the money anyway so why was she mad?”

I feel it’s obvious why girl was mad and quit.

Well then, I’m to make sure 4 dies get changed on a Friday night. (Maintenance is to be out by 11:10). We do all the machine change, but We don’t hook up 6 cables, so someone coming in Sunday would have to hook up 3 cables on two machines. Maintenance left at 12:05. I should have overlooked it better, but I caused only 5 min max of someone’s time being used Sunday, before a shift started anyway.

I explained on Monday maintenance was ready to get out, I’m told as supervisor I screwed up and it would be a final write up, skipping the middle step.


The next day, HR calls my dad and tells him I’d been arrested at work and told her only he could take my car. He calls my wife, freaking out… I’m in the next room making my lunch. HR had thought she called Jett Taxons dad but actually called Jett Tanners dad. We shared two letters in our last names. Freaked my aging father out, as if I wrecked and he needed to get my car, where were my wife and daughter? Some needless family strife.

I just couldn’t deal with it anymore. I hated the hours and took the job for the money & as a favor to a friend. I took a job with exact opposite hours and dramatically less pay. Better hours for someone wanting to be home when a >2 year old child is awake. ️

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