
Indentured servitude, how do we break free?

We should be entitled for the value/work that we create, it doesn’t make sense that those at the top gets to hoard most of the wealth. They did not create said value/work, they are not entitled to it. We need laws that protect people from having their value/work stolen. There are way too many billionaires that made their fortunes from the back of others. They own half the world’s wealth simply by leeching off the hard working people. We need to own our wealth, we could then invest where it matters. Billionaires don’t give a sh** about us. If we had control of our own wealth we could invest in our own communities. We have the means to end poverty and drug addiction. We have the potential to do so much more. Also, the government keeps borrowing from the central banks at high interest rates, plunging the nation into deeper…

We should be entitled for the value/work that we create, it doesn’t make sense that those at the top gets to hoard most of the wealth. They did not create said value/work, they are not entitled to it. We need laws that protect people from having their value/work stolen.

There are way too many billionaires that made their fortunes from the back of others. They own half the world’s wealth simply by leeching off the hard working people.

We need to own our wealth, we could then invest where it matters. Billionaires don’t give a sh** about us. If we had control of our own wealth we could invest in our own communities. We have the means to end poverty and drug addiction. We have the potential to do so much more.

Also, the government keeps borrowing from the central banks at high interest rates, plunging the nation into deeper debt.

They keep printing money that isn’t backed by anything, devaluing our currency. We lose purchasing power every time they print more money, that’s theft in broad daylight.

Inflation is skyrocketing, homes are more and more unaffordable, social programs are cut, more taxes, homelessness and drug addiction are on the rise. Do you get it now? We are the collateral assets. We have to sacrifice our standard of living, all that because the government has comprised our welfare to satisfy their banker friends.

We need a currency backed by tangible assets, such as precious metals, so that we don’t lose our purchasing power (inflation proof). Also, we won’t have to sacrifice our standard of living if we don’t owe anything to anyone. It used to be that only one person had to work to support the entire family. My vision is to go back to that golden era!

So what’s the next step?

Also, I don’t know if this post belongs here.

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