
Scared, Putting in Resignation Effective Immediately

Please excuse formatting, on mobile. Sorry for the length as well. Backstory: I was a stay at home mom for the past 15 years. My ex moved out of our home in April and I filed for divorce in June. He completely emptied the bank accounts and cut me off the credit card, leaving me with nothing. So, naturally, I went job hunting. I was extremely lucky to be offered a great position with great pay and benefits in August. I have a disability and they were gracious to accommodate my ADA requests. The environment is amazing, the owners are generous and do so much for the employees. However, I am completely overworked. I am unable to keep up with the workload and find myself working 12 hours days. As a single parent with young children, the hours have become an issue. I often don't get home until around 8PM.…

Please excuse formatting, on mobile. Sorry for the length as well.

Backstory: I was a stay at home mom for the past 15 years. My ex moved out of our home in April and I filed for divorce in June. He completely emptied the bank accounts and cut me off the credit card, leaving me with nothing. So, naturally, I went job hunting.

I was extremely lucky to be offered a great position with great pay and benefits in August. I have a disability and they were gracious to accommodate my ADA requests.

The environment is amazing, the owners are generous and do so much for the employees.

However, I am completely overworked. I am unable to keep up with the workload and find myself working 12 hours days. As a single parent with young children, the hours have become an issue. I often don't get home until around 8PM.

Due to the stress of not only the workload, the nasty divorce and the inability to consistently receive my medical care, my health is rapidly declining. I'm also in school to finish my degree. My children are suffering due to not only the sudden changes but also for me not being able to be there for them. I've missed all but one of my daughter's softball games and my six year old is having a hard time with having to go to daycare after school (the daycare, which is the only one I can afford at the moment, is an issue in itself as he's been injured there multiple times).

I feel as if I can not complete my job abilities at an acceptable level and it's not fair to my team. I'm also doing duties outside of the scope of my position which has effected the ability to do what I was actually hired to do.

I dread going into work. It's chaotic and completely unorganized, the procedures are constantly changing and the workload is insane.

I decided that it is best for myself and my family that I put in my resignation effective immediately. I'm terrified. Not only because this will leave me with no income but also because I hate to put undue hardship on my team.

As I type this, I'm in debilitating pain due to my illness and not being able to take time off to get my treatments. I just don't have the physical or mental capacity to stick it out for another two weeks, which would be a proper resignation.

I'm not sure what advice I am seeking or if anyone has any suggestions. It does feel good to get this off my chest but the possible ramifications of this action are literally making me nauseated.

Thank you if you've read my novel.

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