
I want to give an honest review of my company without repercussions

Hi Everyone, I've worked for a company that caused me a lot of (mental) pain and stress and I want other people to know what to expect when joining the company, so I was thinking about leaving a review online for the company, but I'd like not to have any repercussions. I'm very relieved that I'm not there anymore and I feel bad for some people that there are still there. The review I want to leave is the following: “I’ve never written a review for a company before, as I never felt the need for it, but for this one, I’m writing so that whoever decides to apply for this company knows better, in my perspective, what to expect. I do not know how it is for people that are not working as analog design engineers, but for people interested in working as analog design engineers, this is for…

Hi Everyone,

I've worked for a company that caused me a lot of (mental) pain and stress and I want other people to know what to expect when joining the company, so I was thinking about leaving a review online for the company, but I'd like not to have any repercussions. I'm very relieved that I'm not there anymore and I feel bad for some people that there are still there. The review I want to leave is the following:

“I’ve never written a review for a company before, as I never felt the need for it, but for this one, I’m writing so that whoever decides to apply for this company knows better, in my perspective, what to expect. I do not know how it is for people that are not working as analog design engineers, but for people interested in working as analog design engineers, this is for you.

If you are looking for a real real challenge, this is the company to join. While working for this company the first months it had a normal pace, but after some time I believe very tight timelines were given, timelines that resulted, in my perspective, as a very heavy load. It was my perspective that this load required you to work overtime for months. I am not ok with this, I believe that it can be unfair. I also believe that better decisions could have been taken to avoid the need for working overtime for months. At the time there was a complaint that the timelines didn’t seem realistic but a manager ranted over an employee in an online meeting in front of all the coworkers and said that the schedule was the one that was given and for that person to square up. If you’re looking to work under pressure, I believe that this is the perfect company for you.

When I applied for the company, one of the selling points of the company was work-life balance, and they do provide flexibility in work hours and a mental health program, but I believe that my view of work-life balance and the view of the company might not be the same.

Your work in this company as an analog design engineer might be completely different than what you do usually as an analog design engineer using Cadence. I believe that you will be spending a lot of time debugging. Besides the possible pressure of having to deliver work every 2 or 3 days, most of the work might not depend directly on you. When the tool stops doing what you want/need it to do, you might be dependent on other people to fix the issue for you, and have to wait for people to be available to solve the issue, and sometimes solving the issue can take a while resulting in accumulated stress for being able to deliver what was requested of you.

This company has a very interesting project developed that I believe could work well, and also some interesting people to work with, so for that I give this company two stars. I don’t believe that this company is a fit for me, but I also believe that people could have another perspective before joining this company. “

This is a UK company btw. If anyone could help me revise this so that I can leave this review and not having a lawsuit on my ass, I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance.


Just wanted to give you Chat GPT's review of my review:

“I'm sharing my experience as an analog design engineer with this company, as I think it's important for potential applicants, particularly those in my field, to have a better understanding of what to expect. I've never felt compelled to write a review before, but I believe transparency is valuable.

During my time with the company, I encountered significant challenges, especially concerning tight timelines that, from my perspective, became quite demanding. This resulted in what I perceived as a heavy workload and the need for extended working hours. While I personally found this to be challenging and not in alignment with my preferences for work-life balance, it may vary for individuals in different roles.

There was a period where concerns were raised about the feasibility of timelines, but I observed that there wasn't a reconsideration of the schedule. In such instances, working under pressure might be the norm. The company does promote work-life balance and offers flexibility in work hours, along with a mental health program. However, it's worth noting that my perception of work-life balance may differ from the company's perspective.

As an analog design engineer, the nature of the work might differ significantly from typical roles using Cadence. Be prepared for a substantial amount of debugging and potential dependencies on others for issue resolution. There were instances where tool-related challenges required waiting for others to address, contributing to stress.

Despite these challenges, the company is engaged in an interesting project with dedicated and talented individuals, earning it two stars in my review. While it wasn't the right fit for me, it's important to consider that perspectives may vary, and others may find it suitable for their career goals.”

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