
Found out last week my job is at risk of redundancy, HR can’t even get my name right

My workplace is a mental health organisation. Supposedly, they care about staff mental health and have good support for wellbeing. The vast majority of staff have their own lived experience of mental health problems. Last week, I was told that my job is at risk of redundancy in the new year. Nothing is set in stone but I don’t have much hope, and won’t find out for sure until end of January/start of February while they go through the consultation process. I have not been in this role for 2 years yet, so I’m not entitled to redundancy pay (UK). I’ve had a complete relapse in my depression and I’m really struggling to cope. All they do is signpost us to the EAP, like that’s going to help. This morning I logged on to find an email from HR confirming my job is at risk, and I was addressed by…

My workplace is a mental health organisation. Supposedly, they care about staff mental health and have good support for wellbeing. The vast majority of staff have their own lived experience of mental health problems.

Last week, I was told that my job is at risk of redundancy in the new year. Nothing is set in stone but I don’t have much hope, and won’t find out for sure until end of January/start of February while they go through the consultation process. I have not been in this role for 2 years yet, so I’m not entitled to redundancy pay (UK). I’ve had a complete relapse in my depression and I’m really struggling to cope. All they do is signpost us to the EAP, like that’s going to help.

This morning I logged on to find an email from HR confirming my job is at risk, and I was addressed by the wrong first name.

So not only did they decide to string us along for ages, and then tell us less than 1 month before Christmas that we might lose our jobs, HR are too stupid and careless to even check that they’re addressing me properly in emails.

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