
Additional rants before sleep time

I don't have a career, I just have a job to keep food and medicine on the table. I hate getting on the subway every morning- the only saving grace is I get to nap, thanks to sick Japanese social mores. Everyone around me is just as tired as me, so we all nap on the silent train that transports us to the hell site known as a workplace. I am on increasing doses of antidepressants, anti anxiety medication, and a whole load of other shit due to side effects of the first two and other chronic illnesses flaring up due to the constant stress. The system isn't sustainable. It is only sustainable if you buy into their matrix, and become a good little worker cog. Then your foggy brain never really contemplates reality- and society/media/smartphones fool you into thinking that you matter at your workplace, etc. That is why…

I don't have a career, I just have a job to keep food and medicine on the table. I hate getting on the subway every morning- the only saving grace is I get to nap, thanks to sick Japanese social mores. Everyone around me is just as tired as me, so we all nap on the silent train that transports us to the hell site known as a workplace.

I am on increasing doses of antidepressants, anti anxiety medication, and a whole load of other shit due to side effects of the first two and other chronic illnesses flaring up due to the constant stress.

The system isn't sustainable. It is only sustainable if you buy into their matrix, and become a good little worker cog. Then your foggy brain never really contemplates reality- and society/media/smartphones fool you into thinking that you matter at your workplace, etc. That is why 99% of the friends I dare to voice my despair to woodenly reply 'but this is how the world is. You can't change it. Try being positive!'

Yeah, try telling a depressed person to be positive. Go ahead and tell a drowning person just to stop drowning. Go ahead and tell an asthmatic to just breathe! I hate the universe.

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