
Team Leader just had a discussion about my Teams meetings activity

So just got called into a meeting with my TL. They proceed to show me a spreadsheet of the teams Teams activity. We have a team meeting every morning for an hour and a lot of times I stay in the meeting after they all leave to remain on red for the rest of the day. I had to play dumb and act like it was a teams error. They also said they can see whenever anyone on the teams is in a meeting removing the idea just to go into any old meeting. She asked me what was going on, only thing I could think was to continue playing dumb but they also said if it continues we will need to have a formal investigation. I hate Teams and their stupid 3 minute yellow away setting.

So just got called into a meeting with my TL. They proceed to show me a spreadsheet of the teams Teams activity. We have a team meeting every morning for an hour and a lot of times I stay in the meeting after they all leave to remain on red for the rest of the day. I had to play dumb and act like it was a teams error. They also said they can see whenever anyone on the teams is in a meeting removing the idea just to go into any old meeting. She asked me what was going on, only thing I could think was to continue playing dumb but they also said if it continues we will need to have a formal investigation.

I hate Teams and their stupid 3 minute yellow away setting.

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