
Got targeted as a solo QA.

Somewhat long rant post So recently I was laid off from my job even after busting my ass off, sometimes working over 16 hours everyday. I was hired as a QA Lead for a gaming company, getting there I got to know I had no team to lead and I was the only QA. So after 5 months on the job, sometimes testing 3-5 builds everyday(each build had over 300 sub features), working my ass off sometimes reporting over 70 bugs per build, my project manager and associate project manager decided to put the blame of low downloads on me and lay me off. (The game is in almost perfect condition now, with only minor polishes to be done) Guess they just didn't want a QA Engineer anymore as the game is almost bug free now. Just thinking how easy it is for the managers just to put the blame…

Somewhat long rant post

So recently I was laid off from my job even after busting my ass off, sometimes working over 16 hours everyday.
I was hired as a QA Lead for a gaming company, getting there I got to know I had no team to lead and I was the only QA.
So after 5 months on the job, sometimes testing 3-5 builds everyday(each build had over 300 sub features), working my ass off sometimes reporting over 70 bugs per build, my project manager and associate project manager decided to put the blame of low downloads on me and lay me off.
(The game is in almost perfect condition now, with only minor polishes to be done)
Guess they just didn't want a QA Engineer anymore as the game is almost bug free now.

Just thinking how easy it is for the managers just to put the blame on the QA and move on.
P.s. Any leads on jobs will be appreciated.

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