
We forget how hard it is to find a new job, while working a job.

I've been at my first job out of school for almost two years now, and although there are things that could be better it's hardly the horror show that some of you here have to deal with. Still, it feels like a good time for me to start moving on to bigger and better things. That being said however, they work us hard. Not unfairly so, but to the point where if I'm not switched on for the whole day I don't always finish what I need to. When I get home I'm often mentally exhausted, and the very last thing I want to do is go and focus on a computer for 1-2 more hours when that's exactly what I just spent the last eight hours doing. Looking for a job is a full time job in and of itself, and doing it while you're working a different one…

I've been at my first job out of school for almost two years now, and although there are things that could be better it's hardly the horror show that some of you here have to deal with. Still, it feels like a good time for me to start moving on to bigger and better things.

That being said however, they work us hard. Not unfairly so, but to the point where if I'm not switched on for the whole day I don't always finish what I need to. When I get home I'm often mentally exhausted, and the very last thing I want to do is go and focus on a computer for 1-2 more hours when that's exactly what I just spent the last eight hours doing.

Looking for a job is a full time job in and of itself, and doing it while you're working a different one means giving up something else in return, be it going to the gym, seeing friends, being an active partner etc.

I know how hard it is to find a job since I did it two years ago, and I know I'm not doing nearly enough to find something new and worth taking in any kind of timely manner right now, but I just don't have any more mental energy to give it. I also get that I'm coming from a position of privilege here, already having an ok job, but it just sucks that in order to find a job, you have to take on a whole new one.

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