
Need advice – Sales Manager needs me to respond to a documented coaching session

My manager and I have good rapport and he always acknowledges my growth or goals with the company and we get more 1 on 1 time than my coworkers because I'm in a development program where he is one of the mentors Lately our company has been focusing on one metric above anything else, but it has nothing to do with actual effort or how you get paid commission. It's never clearly explained and the sales staff isn't as concerned because we're always told our main goal should be to just produce. That metric has been low for me this quarter and when my manager and I have a 1 on 1 he goes over ways to improve the thing that doesn't affect my bonus – since that metric is still below the company goal, he said he had to send me a documented email that I'll have to acknowledge,…

My manager and I have good rapport and he always acknowledges my growth or goals with the company and we get more 1 on 1 time than my coworkers because I'm in a development program where he is one of the mentors

Lately our company has been focusing on one metric above anything else, but it has nothing to do with actual effort or how you get paid commission. It's never clearly explained and the sales staff isn't as concerned because we're always told our main goal should be to just produce.

That metric has been low for me this quarter and when my manager and I have a 1 on 1 he goes over ways to improve the thing that doesn't affect my bonus – since that metric is still below the company goal, he said he had to send me a documented email that I'll have to acknowledge, but that it will not impact my progress in the development program or my ability to apply for jobs when I'm eligible in two months – he knows I am interested in a promotion/new job in the new year and brings that up in other meetings too.

He said not to feel blindsided by the email since it's just procedure, but I'm not comfortable acknowledging anything without it saying I won't lose the opportunities I'm working on.

Other than asking for that in writing, what else should I request be specified? I really believe my manager has my goals in mind, but don't want it to pop up when I interview with someone else.

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