
corporate hell

i’m so close to just quitting my job with no plan in place. every day i come to the office i am miserable. everyone i work with is miserable. and there is always so much work with laughable pay. i am tired, from the bottom of my heart i am tired. just had another employee give there 2 weeks today which only adds to the workload. i’m crying on my way to and way home from work. i can’t take much more of it or i am going to have a blow up on the job i can feel it coming. i’ve been with this company over 5 years. i’ve been applying to so many jobs the last couple of months. even mcdonald’s. i hear nothing back. if anyone has any advice and or tips on escaping please let me know. i am so tired.

i’m so close to just quitting my job with no plan in place.
every day i come to the office i am miserable. everyone i work with is miserable. and there is always so much work with laughable pay. i am tired, from the bottom of my heart i am tired. just had another employee give there 2 weeks today which only adds to the workload. i’m crying on my way to and way home from work. i can’t take much more of it or i am going to have a blow up on the job i can feel it coming. i’ve been with this company over 5 years. i’ve been applying to so many jobs the last couple of months. even mcdonald’s. i hear nothing back. if anyone has any advice and or tips on escaping please let me know. i am so tired.

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