
Workman’s Comp Issues

Hi, a few months ago I fell from a ladder in a clients garage when the ladder snapped underneath me. Luckily, it was a short fall. However, I pulled a huge cabinet off the wall which fell on top of me. I went to urgent care where I was given an X-ray and a concussion screening. I was given a clean bill of health aside from bruising. I filed all the paperwork my employer provided regarding workman's comp and even spoke on the phone with our HR rep who advised me to fill out said paperwork. Months have gone by and my claim has not been processed. The urgen care is pursuing me to pay the bill. For context, I live in CO and have emailed the department of labor. Do I have any legal recourse, or do I need to just pay the bill?

Hi, a few months ago I fell from a ladder in a clients garage when the ladder snapped underneath me. Luckily, it was a short fall. However, I pulled a huge cabinet off the wall which fell on top of me. I went to urgent care where I was given an X-ray and a concussion screening. I was given a clean bill of health aside from bruising. I filed all the paperwork my employer provided regarding workman's comp and even spoke on the phone with our HR rep who advised me to fill out said paperwork. Months have gone by and my claim has not been processed. The urgen care is pursuing me to pay the bill. For context, I live in CO and have emailed the department of labor. Do I have any legal recourse, or do I need to just pay the bill?

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