
thinking of quitting with no backup plan

i am a translation project manager (27m) in a shithole company. i work remotely. they constantly are in trouble with the freelancers because they refuse to pay invoices randomly (mostly because of my boss' unwillingness to spend money). the company is constantly called a scam online and last year my full name was also tarnished in several posts because i am the project manager. i am now seen as a scamming, non-paying project manager who can't do his job. when in fact payments are out of my job scope and i do not have anything to do with them. i have no annual leave, i work from 9 to 7 with no lunch break (you just gotta find time to eat during work hours), i had to fight my boss this summer for me to get paid ON TIME, and many many other annoying things. on top of these, i…

i am a translation project manager (27m) in a shithole company. i work remotely. they constantly are in trouble with the freelancers because they refuse to pay invoices randomly (mostly because of my boss' unwillingness to spend money). the company is constantly called a scam online and last year my full name was also tarnished in several posts because i am the project manager. i am now seen as a scamming, non-paying project manager who can't do his job. when in fact payments are out of my job scope and i do not have anything to do with them.

i have no annual leave, i work from 9 to 7 with no lunch break (you just gotta find time to eat during work hours), i had to fight my boss this summer for me to get paid ON TIME, and many many other annoying things.

on top of these, i had to get 3 surgeries back to back in august and was diagnosed with a chronic condition and i had to take some time off from work. i was off for 3 weeks in total and they constantly called me up while i was laying in bed to ask “when are you coming back?”. as the only person who can speak another language in a translation company (all other employees are either family or family friends), i knew they couldn't go that far without me but i was disturbed continuously for weeks when i was supposed to be resting. when my off time ended and i returned to work, it was different. they weren't treating me with an ounce of respect. i can't remember the amount of times we raised voices over the phone. they send me tasks they know i have no clue in. when i call them up or text to get my questions answered, i get no response. when i do get a response, it is condescending. the aim is not to upskill me. the aim is to damage me.

i work multilingual projects and there are 10 jobs all with very tight deadlines at the same time constantly, and on top of that i am expected to take on more work. with evey task assigned to me, i have 10 more phone calls a day with 3 of my supervisors. they hate each other so they have no idea what the other is saying so this is shaping up to be terrible. all of their instructions are different from the other's.

i love my job but i feel extremely exhausted after working in this position for 2 years now. ever since, i am always treated like shit, i am never spoken to with respect, and i always feel like shit. my mental health is deteriorating due to my colleagues. it was my first real job experience and i feel like i didn't succeed. more importantly, i already have been looking for other job openings and applying to no avail for months now and i do not know when i will find a new one. my mom encouraged me to quit, saying she could support me until i find a new job but i don't know when that will be. how do i get allowances from my mother again, so many years after highschool? and i can't help but feel like a spoiled brat for quitting a job i make money from (i grew up poor). any suggestions? can quitting lead to a better job? i don't even know what i will do afterwards. anybody else just quit with nothing else planned? what should i do???

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