
After years of being an intern and working student at the same company, I will not be hired full-time after graduating despite being promised so

I did a 8 month internship for this company in between my bachelor’s and master‘s. Worked my ass off. A year later I managed to do my master degree’s mandatory internship in the same department at the same company. They were so satisfied they hired me as a working student to replace one of their full-timers who was on parental leave. Worked my ass off even more and they extended my contract and offered me to write my master‘s thesis while working for them about a topic that is relevant for this field. The whole time they promised me they would love to offer me an unlimited full-time contract once I will graduate. I really specialized in this field now, gaining all my work experience with this one company. I will graduate in March and that’s when my contract will end, too. Just got the news though: I won’t be…

I did a 8 month internship for this company in between my bachelor’s and master‘s. Worked my ass off. A year later I managed to do my master degree’s mandatory internship in the same department at the same company. They were so satisfied they hired me as a working student to replace one of their full-timers who was on parental leave. Worked my ass off even more and they extended my contract and offered me to write my master‘s thesis while working for them about a topic that is relevant for this field. The whole time they promised me they would love to offer me an unlimited full-time contract once I will graduate. I really specialized in this field now, gaining all my work experience with this one company. I will graduate in March and that’s when my contract will end, too. Just got the news though: I won’t be hired. ‚We’d love to hire you but can’t, budget cuts, restructuring the department bla bla bla‘.
It is so stupid. They spent years training me for this role and now they won’t hire me. After all the promises. At the end of March when I graduate I will have almost three years of working experience with this company. I’ll find something else but still. Why train me for years, why promise to hire me. I don’t get it. Just shows corporations don’t care about you. Never rely on their word.

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