
Should I ghost my current employer?

So this is U.S. based, im a very young (19m) supervisor where I work I moved up in the company faster than anyone did before in its history and I worked really really hard for that. I currently make a really good wage for the state I’m in plus my age but here’s where the problem comes in. Recently the outsourced a new assistant plant manager and he doesn’t like how young I am as he’s an old creep who believes my generation is just a bunch of lazy kids. I work my ass off every day because I have to prove myself that much more. Well eventually he talked the Plant manager into posting my job up with a 3 dollar raise to anyone who wanted to apply. He was extremely rude about it when I found out and didn’t even tell me when it happened. I found out…

So this is U.S. based, im a very young (19m) supervisor where I work I moved up in the company faster than anyone did before in its history and I worked really really hard for that. I currently make a really good wage for the state I’m in plus my age but here’s where the problem comes in. Recently the outsourced a new assistant plant manager and he doesn’t like how young I am as he’s an old creep who believes my generation is just a bunch of lazy kids. I work my ass off every day because I have to prove myself that much more. Well eventually he talked the Plant manager into posting my job up with a 3 dollar raise to anyone who wanted to apply. He was extremely rude about it when I found out and didn’t even tell me when it happened. I found out last minute and applied for it as fast as I could, basically me and one other person applied in the entire company and guess what, he had been there for 3 months and I literally trained him, he wound up with the job, I also had the pleasure of training the assistant manager who knew nothing about our company a month and a half before this happened

Well I took off for a week to calm down and assess my situation. I eventually got offered a new job that promised me a way better salary than I’m making now and within two years I’m going to double my income from what it is now or possibly more, I got the job and I trust this company as my family actually works there and they get treated very well. Basically my question is I’m starting in two days and I don’t even want to deal with my old job anymore as I’ve found a way better place that I’ll be much happier at and do less work, for what they did to me i dont even want to be there anymore, so should I just ghost them entirely or go in and quit on the spot?

tl;dr my current job screwed me out of a promotion, game my position away to a new hire, and basically spat in my face. I got a way better job who will take care of me and I’m wondering if I should even take the time to quit.

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