
My promotional secondment denied.

Hey all I’m writing this just to see if I can get any advice or help. I currently work at a bank in a retail position and I’ve been offered a role 3 levels above mine with a much higher salary within the bank. I interviewed 3 times over the course of 2 months, aced every interview and my manager was in the know of this secondment offer. Knowing this I planned for the move where said work would be, 100kms from where I live. My start date would be in 2 weeks I was told and I planned my move around it – securing a lease in the cbd with my new expected income of around 125k from my current 40k so I was super excited, a quick rushed decision that I’ve shot myself in the foot with. My issue being is now my manager has denied my secondment…

Hey all I’m writing this just to see if I can get any advice or help.

I currently work at a bank in a retail position and I’ve been offered a role 3 levels above mine with a much higher salary within the bank. I interviewed 3 times over the course of 2 months, aced every interview and my manager was in the know of this secondment offer.

Knowing this I planned for the move where said work would be, 100kms from where I live. My start date would be in 2 weeks I was told and I planned my move around it – securing a lease in the cbd with my new expected income of around 125k from my current 40k so I was super excited, a quick rushed decision that I’ve shot myself in the foot with.

My issue being is now my manager has denied my secondment as they are absolving my position within the secondment period.

Now for the big issue – I was told this today. My last day of work is tomorrow, and I leave for 100kms away from where I am signing a new rental contract I cannot afford as I now seemingly have no job at all, due to the fact I’ll be living so far away in a place i cannot afford. Pretty pissed not gonna lie. But it is what it is I guess. Any help would be much appreciated.

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