
I’m crying at work and I can’t stop

So this lady I work with is insanely nit picky and she’s been pretty mean since the beginning. Just making comment non-stop. Watching me make a mistake then following it up with “you need to get to the point where you know this” then proceeding to tell me to figure it out myself when I ask for help because “you should be able to tell by looking at it” Okay well maybe I’m fucking dumb. I’ve never worked for a construction company before I don’t know what’s on invoices. Second time I ask for help it’s a huge “uuughh”. Then I get told by my boss I’m messing things up and I need to ask more questions. Today a customer came in. I only handle the paperwork and property management side of things. So when he came in and I wasn’t sure what he was talking about I told the…

So this lady I work with is insanely nit picky and she’s been pretty mean since the beginning. Just making comment non-stop. Watching me make a mistake then following it up with “you need to get to the point where you know this” then proceeding to tell me to figure it out myself when I ask for help because “you should be able to tell by looking at it” Okay well maybe I’m fucking dumb. I’ve never worked for a construction company before I don’t know what’s on invoices. Second time I ask for help it’s a huge “uuughh”. Then I get told by my boss I’m messing things up and I need to ask more questions.

Today a customer came in. I only handle the paperwork and property management side of things. So when he came in and I wasn’t sure what he was talking about I told the lady and she’s like “yep it’ll just take a minute” then I went back to the pile of paperwork she had given me. She got up from her desk helped the guy then proceeded to scold me for not just standing there. “You actually need to give him some customer service. Like at least stand there and smile” I explained that I was sorry and I didn’t know that’s what I was supposed to be doing. That i just figured since she said she had it that I could go back to my work. I greeted him. I said good morning. Asked him what he needed and she said she could handle it. Out loud in front of him. So I was “oh okay from now on I’ll make sure I stand there”. Idk what I did maybe a nervous laugh but she followed that up with “yeah don’t hehe me.” I just said “excuse me” she ignored so I said it again and she just shrugged me off. She very obviously heard me say excuse me and just sat there with a shit eating grin on her face. Idek what was so bad about what I said. And I didn’t think I was laughing.

Now im crying in the bathroom bc her whole demeanor just shut me down. It doesn’t help that I’m working on things and while I’m working on them she’s on the sidelines slamming paperwork I’ve never seen before on my desk and just telling me to do it. Idek what I’m supposed to copy, file, email or enter into the system because she just keeps piling it while I’m actively trying to work on something. Can she not see I’m crying? I don’t think I hate this job it’s just that miserable woman.

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