
I honestly cannot make this s*#% up ***rant***

After months of searching for a new position and with the help of my recruiter, I landed what I thought was the greatest job at an amazing company. My first day was Monday, November 27 so just over a week ago. Today, day 7 I was told I was being let go for….drumroll please…..I wasn’t learning the 3 different systems and everything the job entails fast enough. I know my face looked just like Slater’s “duh” face from Dazed and Confused because I truly was, still am. So, forget about the 90 day probationary period, which mind you the other employee in the same position apparently needed to grasp everything, I’m tossed out after 6 days and 2 hours this morning. WTAF? I’ve never been so insulted in my life and certainly never let go for such an illogical reason. I could fully understand if I had been there past…

After months of searching for a new position and with the help of my recruiter, I landed what I thought was the greatest job at an amazing company. My first day was Monday, November 27 so just over a week ago.
Today, day 7 I was told I was being let go for….drumroll please…..I wasn’t learning the 3 different systems and everything the job entails fast enough. I know my face looked just like Slater’s “duh” face from Dazed and Confused because I truly was, still am. So, forget about the 90 day probationary period, which mind you the other employee in the same position apparently needed to grasp everything, I’m tossed out after 6 days and 2 hours this morning. WTAF? I’ve never been so insulted in my life and certainly never let go for such an illogical reason. I could fully understand if I had been there past the 90 days with the guy who was training me (and conveniently offsite today so he found out after the fact) and wasn’t grasping everything but 6 days. I was understanding 2 of the 3 systems as I take ridiculous notes and the 3rd I was plugging along. There has to be more to this reasoning as it absolutely makes zero sense. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess there’s someone’s kid or friend who needs a job and he’s getting mine.
Oh and no unemployment for me because I obviously don’t have any time racked up. So happy Christmas and I just can’t wait to start working back with Roadie and Instacart tomorrow. Oh and my recruiter is livid….i guess he should’ve been notified by the company of any issues as it’s in their contract and he wasn’t until I called him.

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