
Character assassination preventing me from getting a job

This is just gonna be me venting. But the title is essentially what happened to me. I’m a healthcare worker. Actually a sterile processing tech. Typical thing sterile processing techs and any other healthcare workers deal with is the fact that there are very, very toxic workplaces. I made the unfortunate decision to leave one toxic workplace in the summer to finding out the new job I went to was actually even worse. I don’t wanna elaborate too much because I’ve honestly mulled over this for so long that now I feel completely hopeless. The manager of this new place has 2 best friends. She tasked them as my orientation trainers. They ended up not liking me for some reason. I cannot tell you how nonverbal and quiet I was with them. Didn’t matter. They didn’t like me. Although other people on the shift were fine with me, they actually…

This is just gonna be me venting. But the title is essentially what happened to me. I’m a healthcare worker. Actually a sterile processing tech. Typical thing sterile processing techs and any other healthcare workers deal with is the fact that there are very, very toxic workplaces. I made the unfortunate decision to leave one toxic workplace in the summer to finding out the new job I went to was actually even worse. I don’t wanna elaborate too much because I’ve honestly mulled over this for so long that now I feel completely hopeless. The manager of this new place has 2 best friends. She tasked them as my orientation trainers. They ended up not liking me for some reason. I cannot tell you how nonverbal and quiet I was with them. Didn’t matter. They didn’t like me. Although other people on the shift were fine with me, they actually commented that i seemed pretty good at the job. Didn’t matter. Her 2 best friends would report to her lies about my work ethic. Manager keeps me hostage in training because her 2 friends don’t like me. Manager also is two-faced with me, telling me constantly she would accommodate my off days that I would need. At first she did. Then, one week, when I finally expressed my concern that her friends were lying about me, and that the training has been going a lot longer than I thought it was supposed to be, she brushed it off of course. I also had to request a couple days off, mainly because my dad got diagnosed with cancer and I had to take him to a couple doc’s appointments. I told her this. Surprise surprise. She doesn’t care. Actually i think she gaslighted me and turned around and just said “everybody has problems, do I look stressed?” Anyways she said would accommodate those off days. Come that Monday I get a phone call from her saying I’m let go out of nowhere. I’m sobbing on the phone telling her she’s about to make me homeless. All she can say is I’m sorry. She gives me the promise I’ll be put down as rehireable. Unfortunately these companies will never fucking tell you what’s on your file. Anyways. Yeah. So that was August for me. As I’m scrambling for any type of way to not make myself homeless, I landed a travel contract 6 hours away from home. I’d be gone for 3.5 months. So here I am. Away from my fucking family, away from home, making ends meet. Don’t get me wrong travel contracts are as nice as you all have heard money-wise. I got out of the major debt that occurred when I lost my job in August. I’m nearing the end of my contract and I’m looking for jobs back home. Lo and behold I’m getting absolutely nothing. Sometimes immediate rejections. Did that manager lie to me? Probably. I don’t know. Maybe she lied about me to the hospital system. Mind you, I have a ton of good references, from people who can actually vouch for my work ethic. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to travel. But at this point in time it all feels hopeless. I’m trying to do online school so I can get out of this fucking job and I can barely focus and my grades are suffering because I’m working too much out here and I’m thousands of miles from home. I can’t help but circle this all back to that manager. People are trying to help me with what can they do but ultimately she is a manager, and I’m just a tech. It doesn’t matter how good I am at my job, whatever she said about me or put on my file, has ruined my fucking career and possibly my life. I am severely mentally unstable from how she and her friends treated me. I actually enjoy the work of my job but my pride and happiness in it has been destroyed because of them. I’ve been sobbing the past few days because I fucked some shit up with school and because I know I feel like just how I did in August. My contract’s almost up and I can’t find a job back home. I’m coming home to no jobs. I can’t keep traveling and juggling school like this. Not with my mental health being this unstable. I don’t know what to do. I feel defamed. I’m not the first person she’s lied about either. I’m just the first to get fired and have my life ruined because of it. I kind of just wanna crawl in a hole and die at this point. Everything feels hopeless.

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