
Observation. Why does no one here name the company they work for in their posts?

So seeing post after post of allegedly terrible work environments I'm wondering why no one names the company they work for? A. If you're story is 100% true, there's nothing legally that can be done to you? Also, let's be honest here, no boss or HR department is going to be able to identify who you are from your random Reddit account. And B. Surely we as a community would want to warn others of potentially bad employers? I think it'd be great to let others know that hey “might want to avoid such and such because of this…” You know? Just a thought, I'm not trying to hate on anyone in anyway, I've just genuinely always wondered why no one names companies here.

So seeing post after post of allegedly terrible work environments I'm wondering why no one names the company they work for? A. If you're story is 100% true, there's nothing legally that can be done to you? Also, let's be honest here, no boss or HR department is going to be able to identify who you are from your random Reddit account. And B. Surely we as a community would want to warn others of potentially bad employers? I think it'd be great to let others know that hey “might want to avoid such and such because of this…” You know?

Just a thought, I'm not trying to hate on anyone in anyway, I've just genuinely always wondered why no one names companies here.

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