
Contract employer reaching out after termination

Long story short, I did contract work and had to put in notice of 60 days (per my contract, which I never actually signed). I did that, and my employer responded saying “you can consider yourself relieved of your duties as of today.” Today, he reached out to me saying “we need to meet to discuss things we are unclear on regarding billing and payment plans” (the job was billing for a private practice). I don’t have to respond to him, correct? I consider my employment and contract terminated as of that respond from him, and I don’t really want to engage with him at all (lots of ethical issues, he hires his therapy clients including me lol). I know the answer is probably obvious, but he makes me anxious so I just needed to put it out there for someone else to also tell me I don’t need to…

Long story short, I did contract work and had to put in notice of 60 days (per my contract, which I never actually signed). I did that, and my employer responded saying “you can consider yourself relieved of your duties as of today.”

Today, he reached out to me saying “we need to meet to discuss things we are unclear on regarding billing and payment plans” (the job was billing for a private practice).

I don’t have to respond to him, correct? I consider my employment and contract terminated as of that respond from him, and I don’t really want to engage with him at all (lots of ethical issues, he hires his therapy clients including me lol).

I know the answer is probably obvious, but he makes me anxious so I just needed to put it out there for someone else to also tell me I don’t need to respond.

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