
Shocked by lack of socialist/marxist talk

Joined this sub a while ago and I'm honestly surprised by how little communist/marxist/socialist ideas are discussed here despite the flagrant dystopian nature of some of the testimonies. I understand people mainly come here to let off steam and look for advice on “delicate” workplace situations, but his place should also be riddled with folks talking about building alternatives to late capitalism (or whatever you wanna call it – the problem behind all of this nonsense). We have nothing to lose but our chains.

Joined this sub a while ago and I'm honestly surprised by how little communist/marxist/socialist ideas are discussed here despite the flagrant dystopian nature of some of the testimonies.

I understand people mainly come here to let off steam and look for advice on “delicate” workplace situations, but his place should also be riddled with folks talking about building alternatives to late capitalism (or whatever you wanna call it – the problem behind all of this nonsense).

We have nothing to lose but our chains.

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