
Our new desktop backgrounds will be £5m turnover target by 2025

Just finished up sitting through a end of year whole company meeting, I haven't worked here long but apparently profit this year has been quite enough for bossman. There was growth but not as much as previous years, so the new goal is to have £5m turnover by 2025, and to really put it in our faces, all desktop backgrounds on computers will be a graph showing £5M turnover by 2025. Meanwhile I have just enough wages to pay for living expenses and surviving.

Just finished up sitting through a end of year whole company meeting, I haven't worked here long but apparently profit this year has been quite enough for bossman. There was growth but not as much as previous years, so the new goal is to have £5m turnover by 2025, and to really put it in our faces, all desktop backgrounds on computers will be a graph showing £5M turnover by 2025. Meanwhile I have just enough wages to pay for living expenses and surviving.

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