
If you did not have to work, what would you do?

I love this sub and I drop by almost once a day. My goal in life is to exit the rat race like a lot of people in this sub. Was curious what everyone would do with their free time if money wasn’t an issue. How would you spend your day to day? I’ve recently found myself with time off due to an ongoing strike at my work and there is so much time in my day now. I’ve been reading, working out cooking but looking for more things to fill my time with, any suggestions?

I love this sub and I drop by almost once a day. My goal in life is to exit the rat race like a lot of people in this sub. Was curious what everyone would do with their free time if money wasn’t an issue. How would you spend your day to day? I’ve recently found myself with time off due to an ongoing strike at my work and there is so much time in my day now. I’ve been reading, working out cooking but looking for more things to fill my time with, any suggestions?

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