
I feel like I’m getting taken advantage of. After they fired a girl and had me take over her responsibilities- for half the pay.

When I first started working for this company, I made 15 an hour which I was fine with. I was only data entry and was helping move the system from paper files to an online database. No biggie. Then they fired the hr girl- no worries. I was only supposed to pick up one or two little responsibilities until they hired a new girl. Except now I’m calculating paper payroll by hand, am one of two people responsible for getting our new time clock system in place, the person who audits it and gets it ready for payroll, mileage and card reimbursements, new hire paperwork, and now they’re having me learn accounts payable, I also have been given the task of supply orders for the entire company. And shocker they have no plans of hiring a no hr manager when they have me. My biggest source of discontent? The previous…

When I first started working for this company, I made 15 an hour which I was fine with. I was only data entry and was helping move the system from paper files to an online database. No biggie. Then they fired the hr girl- no worries. I was only supposed to pick up one or two little responsibilities until they hired a new girl. Except now I’m calculating paper payroll by hand, am one of two people responsible for getting our new time clock system in place, the person who audits it and gets it ready for payroll, mileage and card reimbursements, new hire paperwork, and now they’re having me learn accounts payable, I also have been given the task of supply orders for the entire company. And shocker they have no plans of hiring a no hr manager when they have me.

My biggest source of discontent? The previous girl made 70k. SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. And I had to fight to get a raise to 17.50. I’m not saying I’m worth 70k quite yet- but they sure are getting quite the discount using me like this. And I just can’t help but feel irritated and pissed.

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