
Retail People who have been there for years:

How do you do it? How do you stay there for so long? I worked at target for 17 days before quitting and leaving in the middle of my shift. That job sucks so hard. Online they had a fancy title called “Tech Representative”. I applied because I have history in tech repair and diagnosis and the description literally said “helping customers achieve the greatest customer experience of their lives!” But gave no job details. I apply thinking I’m gonna be looking at peoples tech and diagnosing/fixing it. M Boy was I wrong. These fuckers had be stocking shelves and sorting through trucks. They denied my availability. They told me since I was seasonal I receive no benefits except for a 10% in store discount which is basically nothing in todays economy. If that’s not bad enough the wage is $15 an hour…. State minimum is $10.10 and the cheapest…

How do you do it? How do you stay there for so long?

I worked at target for 17 days before quitting and leaving in the middle of my shift. That job sucks so hard.

Online they had a fancy title called “Tech Representative”. I applied because I have history in tech repair and diagnosis and the description literally said “helping customers achieve the greatest customer experience of their lives!” But gave no job details.

I apply thinking I’m gonna be looking at peoples tech and diagnosing/fixing it. M
Boy was I wrong. These fuckers had be stocking shelves and sorting through trucks.

They denied my availability. They told me since I was seasonal I receive no benefits except for a 10% in store discount which is basically nothing in todays economy. If that’s not bad enough the wage is $15 an hour…. State minimum is $10.10 and the cheapest rent in my area is $900 a month, and the apartments are poorly kept and run down.

Customers are referred to as “guests” and if you need help from a team member/manager and you refer to them as anything else BUT a guest a manager will ignore you until you refer to them as guests. Super annoying.

I had to leave early in a rush because my girlfriend wasn’t feeling well and was alone so I had to go bring her, when I got back to work I got a write up.

Not to mention on top of all of this, the job is so mundane and boring and nothing short of mental/emotional torture. Just walking around scanning things and sticking them on the shelf and helping the occasional clueless GUEST.

I felt like I was a character out of a movie that’s about a regular boring ass dude who lives a boring life and is content with his existence.

Anyways, I quit in the nicest way possible and left.

I cannot do retail. It kills my soul.

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