
Lied on my resume for years, now I am scared.

I'm in a panic but I don't know if I should be. My work history is kind of weird. Went to a tech school for 3 years, just took general education classes, then moved abroad for a year and was an au pair. When I got back, I decided I wanted to leave my tiny hometown for a big city. So I took small odd jobs that lasted just stints of a few months. One of them wouldn't let me have the day after my wedding off, so obviously I quit and just spent a few months focusing on that. When I moved to the aforementioned “big city” I worked temp jobs, sometimes with a few months between. Then I landed one that was really horrible with a sexist boss who was not a good person. I was relatively new to the “big girl” workforce, and the pressure of it…

I'm in a panic but I don't know if I should be. My work history is kind of weird. Went to a tech school for 3 years, just took general education classes, then moved abroad for a year and was an au pair. When I got back, I decided I wanted to leave my tiny hometown for a big city. So I took small odd jobs that lasted just stints of a few months. One of them wouldn't let me have the day after my wedding off, so obviously I quit and just spent a few months focusing on that.

When I moved to the aforementioned “big city” I worked temp jobs, sometimes with a few months between. Then I landed one that was really horrible with a sexist boss who was not a good person. I was relatively new to the “big girl” workforce, and the pressure of it all made me insane. I had a colleague who'd been working there for years and he said, “hey, listen, just get out of here. I have my own LLC and you can just say you worked for me. I'll be your reference.” so, I quit. Once again, just did random temp jobs.

Finally, I did get a full time “real” job lol. But now years later, I am once again in a very toxic work environment and desperate to leave. Just met with a recruiter who asked if I’d be okay with jobs doing extensive background checks. I am very worried because of my fabrication and also jobs I just didn't list because they were only a few months long. And hell, some of them I don't remember.

I’m overall an honest person so this is really hard on me now.

Am I fucked?

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