
Reporting a Glassdoor Review

I work at a company with a pretty awful boss. There were two old coworkers that I got pretty close to and we created a group chat. They both ended up leaving the company, but I’m still there. I still tell them the crazy stories about our boss and we vent and joke around about how crazy he is. Apparently one of those coworkers decided to write a negative review of the company on Glassdoor and included details about things that happened at the company after they left and mentioned info that could only have come from me. I asked them to remove a sentence or two from their review and they straight up refused. They’re claiming that it’s my fault for telling them about work, that they hate the owner more than they care about our friendship, and they’d be doing me a favor if I get fired because…

I work at a company with a pretty awful boss. There were two old coworkers that I got pretty close to and we created a group chat. They both ended up leaving the company, but I’m still there. I still tell them the crazy stories about our boss and we vent and joke around about how crazy he is. Apparently one of those coworkers decided to write a negative review of the company on Glassdoor and included details about things that happened at the company after they left and mentioned info that could only have come from me. I asked them to remove a sentence or two from their review and they straight up refused. They’re claiming that it’s my fault for telling them about work, that they hate the owner more than they care about our friendship, and they’d be doing me a favor if I get fired because then I wouldn’t have to deal with the owner. It got pretty nasty and I’ve blocked them on everything after it became clear they wouldn’t budge.

My only option now is reporting the review and hoping Glassdoor takes it down before my boss sees it. The problem is, I’m not sure it’s directly breaking any rules other than indirectly exposing me to the boss. Does anyone have advice on getting a review taken down? I know this sub is mainly complaining about bad jobs, but can someone help me save my job?

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