
If I put in my two weeks and my boss says, “you can just be done today.” Are they technically firing me?

As an hourly employee in USA. My boss has been known to push people out rather than fire them so she doesn’t have to pay unemployment. Last time someone gave their two weeks, she told them “you can just be done now (if you want to.)” is that technically her letting them go? I just want to know my rights when I give my two weeks if she starts pressuring me to “just be done now.”

As an hourly employee in USA.

My boss has been known to push people out rather than fire them so she doesn’t have to pay unemployment.

Last time someone gave their two weeks, she told them “you can just be done now (if you want to.)” is that technically her letting them go? I just want to know my rights when I give my two weeks if she starts pressuring me to “just be done now.”

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