
customer service has completely drained me

customer service has actually ruined me in the worst possible ways. I used to have so much patience with strangers and wasn’t quick to annoy. now I’m constantly irritable and angry. I work in food and am constantly multitasking. I have to take orders, make the orders, run to the kitchen to grab the food orders. And I still have to prep and stock things constantly. It doesn’t sound like much but it becomes a lot when I’m frequently scheduled ALONE. how can I possibly ever give good service and do things in a timely manner when I’m running around doing the job that two people minimum should be doing. my manager doesn’t understand why I complain about working by myself when he says he helps, but he only helps so much. only when the orders and influx in customers become actually impossible to handle on my own. most of…

customer service has actually ruined me in the worst possible ways. I used to have so much patience with strangers and wasn’t quick to annoy. now I’m constantly irritable and angry. I work in food and am constantly multitasking. I have to take orders, make the orders, run to the kitchen to grab the food orders. And I still have to prep and stock things constantly. It doesn’t sound like much but it becomes a lot when I’m frequently scheduled ALONE. how can I possibly ever give good service and do things in a timely manner when I’m running around doing the job that two people minimum should be doing.

my manager doesn’t understand why I complain about working by myself when he says he helps, but he only helps so much. only when the orders and influx in customers become actually impossible to handle on my own.

most of the time im being stretched thin and expected to do so much work for so little pay. and they claim that at least I get tips but I would rather never get a single tip again then have to run the place myself.

not only that but customers are my biggest issue. incredibly demanding and entitled. expect food to be ready in 5 minutes even though food is made to order. people can’t wait 10 minutes before they become antsy and bother me about the wait time. and get upset when I don’t have time to fake interest in conversation. they get upset over things I can’t control and take it out on me. they get upset if im not smiling throughout the entire interaction. they get upset if I don’t give them discounts like my other coworkers. I can’t connect and give my best service when im stressed and have a million other things to do than hear about someone’s day. when it’s slow or im scheduled with another person im much more personable and feel like I’m truly able to give better service.

I don’t like feeling so upset and I actually to like attending and making customers feel good but most of the time I can only be cordial and try to get them out as fast as I can. I’m only ranting because of a review that claimed they waited an hour for 4 items even though it wasn’t busy (an exaggeration of great proportions). I’m not entirely sure who it was about but it still frustrates me that we’re expected to be fucking perfect robots. I miss the person I used to be and the person I want to be.

Going to ask to be scheduled less because my mental health and self worth is slowly plummeting. work sucks

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