
Pushed back on Management so now they’re taking our chairs

Vent/rant incoming. So I don't necessarily want to get into all the back story and lead up, but we got a new GM and front manager in the last 6-9 months. I work nights and we do quite a lot here compared to the same position at other places but we get paid a bit more so whatever. Every time we get a new manager, we go thru the same BS of pushing back when the new manager decides to flex their authority by turning night shift into the dump shift for all the jobs no one during the day wants to do, cuz apparently if they can't see us cuz they're not here at night, we're obviously not working We just got thru this process with our new front manager. It was a bit more trying than usual bc front manager implied that we didn't do as much as…

Vent/rant incoming.

So I don't necessarily want to get into all the back story and lead up, but we got a new GM and front manager in the last 6-9 months. I work nights and we do quite a lot here compared to the same position at other places but we get paid a bit more so whatever. Every time we get a new manager, we go thru the same BS of pushing back when the new manager decides to flex their authority by turning night shift into the dump shift for all the jobs no one during the day wants to do, cuz apparently if they can't see us cuz they're not here at night, we're obviously not working

We just got thru this process with our new front manager. It was a bit more trying than usual bc front manager implied that we didn't do as much as the other shifts and never bothered to look up our checklist before trying to dump the extra work on us. It ended up being a meeting and it went meh. That was literally last week.

Second day back, front manager pulls us aside at the beginning of our shift to scold us for sitting and pointing when talking to clients (the GM checked the security tape cuz I asked them about an accessibility issue with said client.) Pointing was because the client didn't know where the key access was. When I pushed back on this cuz us sitting has never been an issue before and has 0 affect on my ability to do my job, and manager just hid behind the “it's what GM told me to tell you.”

I have had 2 previous back injuries so standing for 8 hours is not going to happen. I told him to have her email me the standing rule if that's what she wants (cuz paper trail) and he said okay.

I am absolutely livid that I was trying to look out for the job by raising an accessibility issue before it became a problem and instead management just used it to clap back at us instead. The fact that we've never had any with get our job done and it runs really smoothly here (I've been here since we opened and help set it up so it runs like clockwork) but they couldn't give a shit if it means that gasp the client sees us sitting. The horror. None of the clients give 2 shits about if we're standing or sitting as long as we can give them what they need. Even the difficult clients we've had didn't care.

I'm mainly just venting, but I've never understood why management gets so fixated on whether theyre willing to bomb moral and drive off good employees for it. This is the latest BS I've had to deal with from them so I'm done. I can get another job pretty easy so I'm going to be applying and out as soon as I can. I would understand if it actually impacted my job, but I hate that bosses can legally bully employees like we're children and we can't do shit all about it (I'm not in a Right to Sit state, but the state is Right to Work). Grown adults should be able to sit down if our feet or back hurt esp if there's no one around

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