
What’s the deal with salaried employees taking my “tip opportunities”?

Hey y'all. I'm hourly, my bosses/managers are salaried. I'm retail so I'd be 'taking turns' every transaction with my bosses who make more money than me, just so they can get “tip opportunities.” I'm not making this up, I accidentally took one of these transactions from my boss and he looked at me angrily and said “I spent that whole time doing blah blah blah just for you to take my tip opportunity” orders from corporate, probably. Like, hold on- I wasn't informed of this until just then. My bosses are making tips now? This is wild. Is this something they can actually do??? ​ (Tip on pin pad before payment type thing, we got it some time this year so it's still relatively new) ​ Edit: got an answer: “clarified that managers and supervisors may only keep tips that they receive from customers directly for services that the manager…

Hey y'all. I'm hourly, my bosses/managers are salaried. I'm retail so I'd be 'taking turns' every transaction with my bosses who make more money than me, just so they can get “tip opportunities.” I'm not making this up, I accidentally took one of these transactions from my boss and he looked at me angrily and said “I spent that whole time doing blah blah blah just for you to take my tip opportunity” orders from corporate, probably. Like, hold on- I wasn't informed of this until just then. My bosses are making tips now? This is wild. Is this something they can actually do???

(Tip on pin pad before payment type thing, we got it some time this year so it's still relatively new)

Edit: got an answer: “clarified that managers and supervisors may only keep tips that they receive from customers directly for services that the manager or supervisor directly and “solely” provides.”


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