
Coworkers leave 20 minutes early for lunch and one of them says to me “if so-and-so calls just tell him I’ll call him back at 1pm after lunch.”

Um, sweetheart? Wtf makes you think I’m going to continue working, answering the phone, when you both leave early for lunch? We all are supposed to have a one hour lunch from 12-1. I don’t care what time you leave, how long you’re gone. But, if you take your lunch from 11:40am-1pm, 11:30am-1pm, 12pm-1:30pm, whatever…. Newsflash! So the fuck am I. It’s that simple. They do this all the time, and even occasionally give me a “to-do” list of sorts when they leave. “If this person calls. If this person stops in. Can you call Susie and let her know about her payment?” What am I? Your personal secretary? I will when lunch is over. Right now, as you’re both heading to lunch early? Absolutely not. And these folks you talked to that are “possibly stopping in” or “calling”? You should have told them you were getting ready to leave…

Um, sweetheart? Wtf makes you think I’m going to continue working, answering the phone, when you both leave early for lunch? We all are supposed to have a one hour lunch from 12-1. I don’t care what time you leave, how long you’re gone. But, if you take your lunch from 11:40am-1pm, 11:30am-1pm, 12pm-1:30pm, whatever…. Newsflash! So the fuck am I. It’s that simple.

They do this all the time, and even occasionally give me a “to-do” list of sorts when they leave. “If this person calls. If this person stops in. Can you call Susie and let her know about her payment?” What am I? Your personal secretary? I will when lunch is over. Right now, as you’re both heading to lunch early? Absolutely not. And these folks you talked to that are “possibly stopping in” or “calling”? You should have told them you were getting ready to leave and given them a better time to stop in/call. You assume I’m going to stay here and help them? Nah. They’re not my problem.

It actually blows my mind that they think they get to have hour and a half, sometimes even 2 hour, lunches while I keep to a strict 12-1. And meanwhile follow up with/help customers they last spoke to. They’re delusional. I don’t know what game they’re playing, but I’m not participating.

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