
Work 60 hr week = I’m inefficient

I work in a country with terrible labour laws and for the past 5 months since we had a peak period of client servicing I had to work 60-62 hour weeks in order to service my clients. I don’t know why I feel paralysed by some unknown fear and I can’t quit … I don’t know why. I feel useless and I feel like worthless. I am good at my craft but bad at making a business out of it – tried and had to shut it down since I could never charge people full price. The company I work for currently is considered one of the better ones in the industry. It can “make my profile” to work with them … I cannot breathe and I don’t think anyone gets this … Meanwhile my dog also died and I was gaslit about working from home the day after she…

I work in a country with terrible labour laws and for the past 5 months since we had a peak period of client servicing I had to work 60-62 hour weeks in order to service my clients. I don’t know why I feel paralysed by some unknown fear and I can’t quit … I don’t know why. I feel useless and I feel like worthless.

I am good at my craft but bad at making a business out of it – tried and had to shut it down since I could never charge people full price. The company I work for currently is considered one of the better ones in the industry. It can “make my profile” to work with them … I cannot breathe and I don’t think anyone gets this …

Meanwhile my dog also died and I was gaslit about working from home the day after she died since “we have to keep the rules same for all” (we have to go into work one day a week)

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