
Release of Claims Canada (BC)

Hello, I’ve been fired without cause from my job and provided the minimum severance per ESA. They have also provided me with a release of claims form so I won’t talk about the racism I experienced in the organization with 3 weeks of compensation. Tbh 3 weeks feels low considering the BS i put up with and the media headache they’re avoiding if I don’t say anything. My question is, is 3 weeks standard, and how much more can I ask for? I am also going to consult with a lawyer next week.

Hello, I’ve been fired without cause from my job and provided the minimum severance per ESA. They have also provided me with a release of claims form so I won’t talk about the racism I experienced in the organization with 3 weeks of compensation. Tbh 3 weeks feels low considering the BS i put up with and the media headache they’re avoiding if I don’t say anything. My question is, is 3 weeks standard, and how much more can I ask for? I am also going to consult with a lawyer next week.

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