
Just a reminder that your job will screw you in any way that you can.

I was on strike for 42 days with my local Teamsters union. I started work with my company in September. We just recently came back after our 42 day strike with a subpar contract, but we have a 2,000 dollar bonus! Nice! But, only the people who have been here full time and not on probation are eligible. Thats the kicker, because since I was “suspended” for 42 days, my probation is extended by that long, whereas it would have ended on the 5th of December. This fucks me over, as I get no bonus, no upfront pay raise, and I had leave planned for December that I can no longer take without being fired, due to being on probation. This leaves me fucked for the holidays. I was planning on going and seeing my mom, who is going through chemo right now. Ive been working 2 jobs this whole…

I was on strike for 42 days with my local Teamsters union. I started work with my company in September. We just recently came back after our 42 day strike with a subpar contract, but we have a 2,000 dollar bonus! Nice! But, only the people who have been here full time and not on probation are eligible. Thats the kicker, because since I was “suspended” for 42 days, my probation is extended by that long, whereas it would have ended on the 5th of December.

This fucks me over, as I get no bonus, no upfront pay raise, and I had leave planned for December that I can no longer take without being fired, due to being on probation. This leaves me fucked for the holidays. I was planning on going and seeing my mom, who is going through chemo right now.

Ive been working 2 jobs this whole time, and now I’m going to have to quit just to see my mom. Sorry for the rant, but this is insanity. Fuck corporations, and shame on my union for being unable to look out for its workers.

Sorry for the rant, just needed to get that out there.

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