
Will the corporate propaganda ever stop?

I used to be career driven but not anymore bc it doesn’t pay off. I unlearned a lot of things and had to re-teach myself to focus only on my peace and happiness. For 5 years in corporate I was never happy about my job, and for years I wondered if life is a scam and living is supposed to just feel like death. I’ve decided to start my own thing and eventually quit corporate permanently when my own business is sustainable and stable enough, but this really got me thinking, how did we even get here? Who tf in the right mind would dream of labor? Who came up with the “dream job” concept? In my dream land I don’t even need money, I just do stuff for free and without consequences. Do people even know the concept of a dream? I’m really concerned and sad that this is…

I used to be career driven but not anymore bc it doesn’t pay off. I unlearned a lot of things and had to re-teach myself to focus only on my peace and happiness. For 5 years in corporate I was never happy about my job, and for years I wondered if life is a scam and living is supposed to just feel like death.

I’ve decided to start my own thing and eventually quit corporate permanently when my own business is sustainable and stable enough, but this really got me thinking, how did we even get here?

Who tf in the right mind would dream of labor? Who came up with the “dream job” concept? In my dream land I don’t even need money, I just do stuff for free and without consequences. Do people even know the concept of a dream? I’m really concerned and sad that this is the level of brainwashing they’ve done to us from a very young age. I remember we even had career day and little me dreamt of becoming a lawyer (no shade or anything to happy lawyers out there tho, but I just know this career will not bring ME happiness whatsoever).

My point is, why are we so brainwashed to feed the corporations? I get that it’s necessary for the society to function but the premise of “work” has been so abused and misused to underpay and overwork people, which is against what “work” really is, which is to survive and improve lifestyle. All bc demand is less than supply since everybody dreams of labor so bad. I think people should be taught to be entrepreneurial, be their own boss, do their own thing, take no BS from nobody, be your own person, don’t conform to the norms when they don’t make sense.

The society has failed so many people and will keep failing us if we don’t demand for change, thank you for listening to my rant.

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