

I’ve (f24) been working seasonally at a locally owned store for about a month. 3 weeks to go but I’m not sure I can take it anymore. It should be the most simple job, but the management/owners make it insane. It’s a super boring, 8 1/2 hour day, $13/hr job that’s super busy at Christmas. You’d think they’d be a little nicer to staff. Here’s the crazy part. My boss (owner) has knocked on the bathroom door while I’m shitting TWICE! First time in staff bathroom I had been in there maybe 7 minutes and heard someone walking around outside the door which of course makes it harder to go. She didn’t see me go in so I don’t know how she knew I was in there, but randomly she blurts “ARE YOU OKAY IN THERE? JUST MAKING SURE YOU DIDNT FALL IN.” I explained I had stomach problems due…

I’ve (f24) been working seasonally at a locally owned store for about a month. 3 weeks to go but I’m not sure I can take it anymore. It should be the most simple job, but the management/owners make it insane. It’s a super boring, 8 1/2 hour day, $13/hr job that’s super busy at Christmas. You’d think they’d be a little nicer to staff. Here’s the crazy part.
My boss (owner) has knocked on the bathroom door while I’m shitting TWICE! First time in staff bathroom I had been in there maybe 7 minutes and heard someone walking around outside the door which of course makes it harder to go. She didn’t see me go in so I don’t know how she knew I was in there, but randomly she blurts “ARE YOU OKAY IN THERE? JUST MAKING SURE YOU DIDNT FALL IN.” I explained I had stomach problems due to dental work making me a nervous wreck the day prior. (True.) Super inappropriate! Talk to me when I come out! Also it felt like she assumed I was doing something else but I was literally just having diarrhea on the clock. Today I went in the customer bathroom to clean it. I shit first so I could clean everything when I was done. The second I sat down someone was grabbing and twisting the knob. I didn’t say anything. I was finishing up 2 minutes later and she randomly starts knocking and saying “____ are you in there?!” I said “yeah…”
“Well why are you doing?”
“Well why is the door locked?”
“Can you not talk to me while I’m in the bathroom?”
And she walked off saying something about me not locking the door. I wanted to go off but it’s her birthday.
Why would I want to discuss my shit habits with someone I don’t know? It’s a very embarrassing position and I strongly feel that this is breaking some kind of law. I’d get it if I was in there for 20 mins, but it’s a normal amount of bathroom time. I’m thinking of telling her “I’ll clock out to shit, but you will NOT talk to me in the bathroom again.” Would you shit, I mean quit?
There are other problems, but this is the really bad one
(The bathrooms are both rooms with one locking door, not stalls)

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