
Manager said I’m too forgetful and said I might make us look stupid at work… Joke’s on her.

My manager “Dana” is one of those micro managers. I work in healthcare, but I am basically an IT Project Manager that works remotely for a department that creates automation solutions for our company. Dana is new to management but not the company. (She’s been a manager for six months and I started reporting to her because of a reorg about two months in to her manager role. Dana is probably the worst manager I’ve ever had. She’s really combative, doesn’t trust us to do our jobs, micro manages, and constantly challenges our work. I’ve been with the company for two and a half years. I’m considered a high performer based on previous annual reviews. Dana was speaking to me during my 1 on 1 and gave me feedback I was too forgetful. (All because I forgot one small detail. It didn’t even impact the project, but Dana jumped on…

My manager “Dana” is one of those micro managers. I work in healthcare, but I am basically an IT Project Manager that works remotely for a department that creates automation solutions for our company.

Dana is new to management but not the company. (She’s been a manager for six months and I started reporting to her because of a reorg about two months in to her manager role.

Dana is probably the worst manager I’ve ever had. She’s really combative, doesn’t trust us to do our jobs, micro manages, and constantly challenges our work. I’ve been with the company for two and a half years. I’m considered a high performer based on previous annual reviews.

Dana was speaking to me during my 1 on 1 and gave me feedback I was too forgetful. (All because I forgot one small detail. It didn’t even impact the project, but Dana jumped on this and really focused on it. I apologized.

A few days ago Dana asked me via messages to help her with a project she was managing. This was a very high stakes project (Executives had eyes on it.) I needed to take notes for her during a meeting. She said “you better not forget anything or else we will look stupid. Do you want to look stupid?” I said nope.

Well during the meeting I “forgot” to take notes. Dana called me to go over the meeting notes. “Oh I forgot, oops.” Dana had scheduled a meeting with her boss “Frank” (our director) to formally write me up and put me on a performance improvement plan.

During the meeting, Frank goes: “HomocusPocus is a regular high performer on our team. What is this about? Dana explains everything and Frank goes: “Well did you even record the meeting?” Dana said “no I forgot.” Frank then replies: “Should I write you up for forgetting to do that?” SILENCE until Frank goes: “What a complete waste of my time Dana don’t do this again.”

I later then messaged Frank about what Dana said asking me I wanted to look stupid. Frank apologized and said that won’t happen again. Later in the day, Frank sends an organizational announcement that Dana is no longer with the company.

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