
Am I wrong for not wanting to train the new employee?

I work as an administrative assistant for the state government. We are getting a new employee Monday and i am 1 of 5 people who are considered seasoned employees. This new employee is replacing an old employee that I trained but had a falling out with our supervisor and left for another division in the building. The new employee sits right behind me but the only reason I know we are getting 1 is the manager not our direct supervisor was putting her name badge on her cubical and said oh yeah she starts minday. My thing is, I'll probably get asked to train her not in our job description but I feel like since I wasn't officially told about her, I shouldn't have to do it? Tldr new employee would you train them if you were told last minute?

I work as an administrative assistant for the state government. We are getting a new employee Monday and i am 1 of 5 people who are considered seasoned employees. This new employee is replacing an old employee that I trained but had a falling out with our supervisor and left for another division in the building. The new employee sits right behind me but the only reason I know we are getting 1 is the manager not our direct supervisor was putting her name badge on her cubical and said oh yeah she starts minday. My thing is, I'll probably get asked to train her not in our job description but I feel like since I wasn't officially told about her, I shouldn't have to do it?

Tldr new employee would you train them if you were told last minute?

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