
Forget retirement. Work will kill me first.

I should not be feeling such ungodly levels of stress at work over something as asinine and unimportant as SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISING. Everything is a crisis! Everything is due within an hour! Everything requires overtime! Oh, the client wants something completely different and we can’t help but bend over and do anything the corporate gods ask of us!!!! But, here, we’ll pay you dimes!!!!!! Stress is a huge cause of so many illnesses and weak immune systems, but we’re just supposed to rot our bodies away for decades for the corporate overload to profit off. IM SO SICK OF THIS!!!!!

I should not be feeling such ungodly levels of stress at work over something as asinine and unimportant as SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISING. Everything is a crisis! Everything is due within an hour! Everything requires overtime! Oh, the client wants something completely different and we can’t help but bend over and do anything the corporate gods ask of us!!!!

But, here, we’ll pay you dimes!!!!!!

Stress is a huge cause of so many illnesses and weak immune systems, but we’re just supposed to rot our bodies away for decades for the corporate overload to profit off.


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