
I finally cracked.

I've been here for 5 years working along and loving my job. I've been doing engineering work for 3 of it with the promise of being absorbed into the engineering department I've been working hand in hand with. They asked me to come help a program. They waited till I had no other project to do and ripped the promotion away. Stuck on this shit doing work I am qualified to do without title and pay has become sickening. I cracked, had a meeting a few days ago asking me how to get two of the engineers off it quickly. And one just now where the they want me to take over the third ones duties. Followed by letting me know there is another project they want me to go to when this is done. I punched the floor. Good thing it's a video call with my camera off. I…

I've been here for 5 years working along and loving my job. I've been doing engineering work for 3 of it with the promise of being absorbed into the engineering department I've been working hand in hand with. They asked me to come help a program. They waited till I had no other project to do and ripped the promotion away. Stuck on this shit doing work I am qualified to do without title and pay has become sickening.

I cracked, had a meeting a few days ago asking me how to get two of the engineers off it quickly. And one just now where the they want me to take over the third ones duties. Followed by letting me know there is another project they want me to go to when this is done. I punched the floor. Good thing it's a video call with my camera off.

I told the program manager that I'm done. I'm not taking over someone else's shit that I've had to teach her how to do. I'm not jumping on another project without the pay.

As you all read, realize my actual boss over me in my department is pissed about the treatment too. His boss and him stand with me and my refusal to keep this going.

I'll give up the promotion chance to say fuck you. I'm not bailing out another program without compensation.

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